Our one to one course start from 800 euros. We provide the necessary flowers and materials for the practice.
This training is for anyone who loves the flower, whether it is already part of your life or not yet.
It is open to event professionals and individuals.
It will allow you to improve your skills in the realization of your compositions, to learn new techniques or to start a new career in floristry.
Each program will be personalized according to your needs and the subjects you want to deepen: centerpiece, bouquet, arches.
We cover several themes: flowers, design techniques but also the basics of business and communication. For what ? Because being a good designer won't be enough if you don't know how to sell yourself.
With this in mind, a photo shoot option of you accompanied by your floral compositions is available for those who need to develop their portfolio. Several formulas are available, we detail them a little below.
For any request for information, do not hesitate to fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Tell us about your needs
One to one training takes place during the week from November to the end of March.